The Technological-Troll Lie

Hi, this chain letter is most incredible thing ever created since the invention of MySpace, that fucked up market for pedophiles and other various deformed cam whores who take pictures in their bathrooms because they have tiny bladders. Anyway, if you send this to 0 people in the next 696969 seconds, a mad goat will jump out of the screen and have wild goat sex with you! Yes, you will finally lose your extreme virginity! A big button will pop up after you send this and all you have to do is click!
But make sure to send it to 0 people, not 1 or 2, because or else that little boy from Bakleafdsvalaglooshenenenaga will jump out and pummel you to death with a shovel with his nonexistent arms. Really!!! So do this, and you can get raped by a goat! No matter that this is just a really lame trick to try to get you to send it out, and that if you don’t you won’t even get the Bakleafdsvalaglooshenenenaga boy.
So send this to your loser friends and click the button, but you don’t have 0 friends anyway so even if it’s true you’ll never know! HAHA.